What is this all about?

It’s about you.

It’s about me and you and us. It’s about the collective human race, and its about retracing our footsteps from this far in our human existence.

(actually this post is mainly about me, sorry, this blog will be all about you in the future ;))

This site is about humanity really, at a glance. It seems we have created existences for ourselves that we are not entirely sure how to function in, it may have something to do with how we have forgotten what a human is. You are the only person who knows how to be you, but perhaps I can help retrace humanities footsteps a few hundred, thousand or hundred thousand years and through a plethora of different categories (think science, art, nutrition etc) until we reach a definitive root- a grounding core- so that you may choose to re-build yourself in the light of remembering who you really are.

It has been a long held belief of mine that every individual holds an innate passion that often guides and filters their life. Sometimes, however, it never comes to real fruition, it is never followed or it never shines. For a long time I was worried that was me, it was so hard to condense exactly what my passion was. I was just PASSIONATE. It was a feeling of desperately wanting to know more about SOMETHING. I just loved life. I loved learning loads of different things but I couldn’t see the link between them all. I wanted to communicate with humans and I wanted to isolate myself to learn and create and grow.

When it came to choosing a university degree, it was very confusing. I pursued and applied for; medicine, nutrition, art, language and humans. I eventually settled with social and biological anthropology with practioner diplomas in nutrition and herbalism (phototherapy). As broad and encompassing as possible. It took until last month to really understand that what I loved was humans, and that was it. It really was no more specific or isolated than the overarching category of “humans”. And what I really wanted to do was to understand them, or at least, celebrate them.

In the way we struggle and love, the way we isolate and communicate, the way we’re all learning about life and failing at it together but secretly, the way we’re scared and alone and confused but love and celebrate and share. The way our humaness and soul permeates the perimeters of this strict society we have created for ourselves and the way our innate flaws guild the edges of expected perfection and the way we just feel -with lack of understanding- an expansive spectrum of uncomuniable emotions and the way we are all trying to understand why we are here together. Our expressions of abstract creativity and expressions of logical understanding, our unique blueprints and yet repeated struggles. All of us, in all of our forms, creating all of our worlds.

So that is what it’s all about. I want to explore the immensity of what it means to be human , in all different forms and from all the angles of interest that I follow;

*anthropology (literally the study of humans, I will probably focus more on biological like our evolution but the social side is also cool)

*science (obviously)

*religion and belief (grounders for our individual realities)

*arts and creativity ( the human experience in its most raw and beautiful form)

*self development and self love (how can we change our external world when we have never explored our internal world?!)

*nutrition and herbal medicine ( what happened to treating the root cause and looking at the body as a holistic being of nature rather than individual parts of a machine, western medicine needs to be tweaked a bit ;))

Essentially, I wanted to take us back to the roots, back to nature, back to the soul, back to our evolution, back to our intrinsic link to the earth (and importantly now, our part in its demise), back to astrology and the origins of us. I am going to try to condense everything I learn about us and pass it on to you as a little abstract guide, not on how to be human as that is something you need to define for yourself, but more what it means to be human, what it has always meant.

I want this site to sprout into a little map for those who are lost. A little “how to be generally human, who you generally are, but go find yourself properly” blueprint.

“We are made form the earth, and resonate with it, and our self-respect is tied to how we respect the earth itself”


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